VTV Therapeutics: STEADFAST Study


What is the STEADFAST Study?

The STEADFAST Study is a clinical trial, or research study, that will evaluate a new investigational medication, azeliragon (TTP488), as an addition to many of the commonly prescribed medications for patients with mild-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Azeliragon works by blocking a receptor in the brain that binds to substances such as amyloid beta, a protein thought to contribute to the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

There will be two groups of people in the study:

• One group will receive Azeliragon (5 mg daily taken orally) in addition to their regular medication(s).

• One group will receive a placebo (a substance with no active ingredients) in addition to their regular medication(s).

Why should I consider participating in the STEADFAST Study?

• By participating in this study, you can learn more about the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

• You may receive the study medication, Azeliragon, which may be effective at slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

• Participating in studies helps advance research, which may help the future treatment of this currently incurable disease.

What will I need to do for the STEADFAST Study?

• The study will last approximately 23 months and involves about 9 visits to the doctor’s office, with most visits occurring every 3 months.

• You must attend all study visits with your caregiver.

• You will need to take your study medication every day, as instructed.

• You must continue to take your regular Alzheimer’s disease medication as you normally do.

• You will need to tell the study doctor of any changes to your health or medications while in the study.

Study Investigators: Dr. David Podwall, Dr. Teresa DeAngelis, Dr. Michael Han

ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02080364
For more information: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02080364?term=steadfast+study&rank=4